Today’s History

As history unfolds, the perspectives of future generations may differ greatly from our own. Imagine a world where the absence of sorrow equates to a lack of understanding the significance of forging a free society. It would be akin to regarding the grand tales of our past—replete with kings, queens, knights, damsels in distress, and towering castles—as mere works of fiction. Will they perceive our present endeavors as fiction as well? Will they read about the destruction of our towering pyramids (symbolizing the World Trade Center) and contemplate how a mere vehicle brought them down, reminiscent of Joshua and the walls of Jericho?

They will encounter narratives of hatred, fear, and deception as they delve into the accounts of the Middle East and the attack on America. Our world is plagued by evil, and Americans have found themselves on the receiving end of this malevolence. Since September 11, 2001, we have lived in constant fear, grappling with a vulnerability unprecedented in our history. The lies perpetrated by our adversaries are akin to tales of a thief in the night, leaving us uncertain of when, where, why, or how they will strike.

Dictators across the globe embody a visionary blindness that remains hidden from the rest of the world. We only truly began to comprehend the inner workings of China in the 1970s. Its citizens yearn for freedom and a visionary existence, yet they remain blinded by the grip of communism. Even a blind man possesses a vision of what life could be, despite his lack of sight. Though the Chinese may be shrouded in darkness, they retain an innate understanding of life and the yearning for liberty. To the external world, the Chinese always maintain a composed facade. Their dominance stems from the fact that nobody else can fully experience, relish, or participate in the liberties of freedom that the rest of us often take for granted. Behind their seemingly expressionless faces lies a population crying out, bereft of someone to assuage their tears. Throughout the years, their countenances have become etched with the tears of oppression. The fear of the unknown is comparable to the sensation of being watched by an unseen observer, engendering a disconcerting feeling. Like a silent symphony, the music plays on, but we are deaf to its harmonies. We can merely perceive a faint whisper of the melody beneath the cacophony of screams that reverberate through the night.

In today’s world, the most perilous and widespread fear manifests as the refugee crisis. In Africa, the Hutus find themselves displaced due to the animosity of the Tutsis, wandering aimlessly without a place to call home. In the Middle East, the Palestinians have been uprooted from their land and confined to refugee camps, losing everything they once possessed. Bombs relentlessly rain down upon them as they struggle to survive on narrow strips of territory, and when the day concludes, they are left with nothing. Even if a peace agreement were to materialize, they would forever remain lost, bereft of a place to return to. The Israelis refuse to accept them on the land they have taken, while many Arab states are unwilling to offer them sanctuary, fearing for their own safety and stability.

We still have a final opportunity to sow the seeds of a life that will resonate in the distant future. Americans possess a unique chance to alter the world’s perception by showcasing our true character. We must demonstrate to the world that we will confront and eliminate the fears, animosity, and falsehoods that plague our global community, relinquishing any trace of arrogance.

America In All Her Glory

There use to be a time when Americans were so united. They didn’t resemble one another even if you paint them! They spoke all the languages in the world and formed an astonishing mixture of civilizations. Some of them were from nearly extinct civilizations, others were incompatible with one another, an in matters of religion, not even God could count how many there were.

 This display was shown on September 11, 2001, when millions of Americans put their hand on their heart and said the Pledge of Allegiance. There were flags flown that day across the country, on buildings and cars as if in every place was a 4th of July celebration. It was a time when singing “the Star-Spangled Banner” was patriotic and everyone stood up to sing along with others, even when stumbling over the words, it was a great and unmistakable way to show how proud you were of the United States. It was a time when singing “God Bless America” all over the country didn’t sound croaky, silly, or ostentatious! It made other countries green with envy because they weren’t able to sing for their country without running the risk of being suspected of who-know-what is in your own interest. It made me wonder how on earth can millions of people from millions of backgrounds find such a common place and can unite in such a way that defines all odds. I tried to think of the answer, was it the land? Money? History? I tried to find an answer in the songs they sing, in words they speak, until I reached only one conclusion.

 Only freedom can work such miracles. And its freedom in every sense of the word that we hold together this great nation that no one can ever take away. That is the one thing that unites us under a constitution that here in America, everyone is equal. They have freedom to speak, the right to peaceful assembly, petition our government, to travel without restrictions, the right to marry whoever we love, and the right to control your own fate and body. These are fundamental rights that no one can take away.

 We need to bring back a renewed spirit of togetherness. Amid all the divisiveness we are experiencing we need to stand up with even a louder chorus of determination, and pledge to stand together in moments of uncertainty. National character is an elusive and suspect notion, but Americans at the most time carefree, pleasure seeking and willfully independent have a way of rallying in the face of social and political injustice that is sweeping our nation.

 We have faced the world as one nation through many experiences and tragedy. Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassination, Oklahoma City, 9-11, WWI and WWII, are just a few examples of how this nation came together, not in numb paralysis, but in fierce resolve. It’s the kind of strength that America is all about. When this spirit of America spreads across the country, it brings a spirit of solidarity from countries around the World. Americans coming together is the key to make America Great again. We are that shiny beacon that the entire world sees and the best hope for civility and freedom for them to strive for. We will be a richer and stronger nation, when we have country after country stand together with America.

America has always risen to the challenge when faced against all odds, and when provoked, we will do what we must do to see America great again. So, lets stand with out brothers and sister, united in our cause, and stand up against tyranny like our forefathers before us and show the World that we are America, braver and still free.  It won’t be easy, fast, or simple, but that is not our American heritage. For I am and we are American.

When Are The Hateful Attacks Going To End?

Everyone thought that the long fight that gays have been struggling with was coming to a close when the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. We thought finally, gays were going to be treated equally in the eye of the law. But since Trump and his hate-filled conservative minions started their campaign against anyone who wasn’t like them, they have been polluting the country to turn back everything they hate about gays. They started promoting propaganda, spreading lies, and making gays the devil in disguise. Then after Roe v Wade the legislatures turned their conservative hate filled agenda to gays and transgender people. Just like they want to wipe out a woman’s right to have an abortion, they want to wipe out every transgender, gay, lesbian person out of existence. You begin to see it on all the social media boards, the attacks that are sponsored by the right showing up on replies and opinions.

Some of them are the classic everyday attacks from the same play book.

Here are some replies in regard to Target deciding to hide the gay pride the back of the store for Gay Pride festivals:

“The majority of Americans are tired of having the LGBT advertising and recruitment agenda shoved at us 24/7 are pretty sick and tired of it.”

“They just don’t get it. It demonstrates the total disgust of the Gay/trans agenda being shoved down our throats. We are constantly inundated with stories.  The sports/business/government decision makers fold like cheap suits to pander to this nonsense. But the real error is those pushing this agenda while going after our kids with the support of the teacher’s union and school boards. Enough Already.”

“By extremist, does that me straight people? 95% of the population?”

“Is all of this pedophile pandering worth it? And the answer is clearly no. Crawl back into the sewers and the gay bath houses and leave normal America alone.”

“Comparing LGBQT to minorities is sick and needs to stop.”

“My daddy always said, never compromise with a preveart or your become one yourself.”

I have only Included printable content; I couldn’t post most of the obscene content.

The first gay pride didn’t have anything to do about slamming agenda down your throat. It was started by a group of people who were being prosecuted for who they were. They were being denied basic rights, always being physically attacked, and vilified by everyone in America. Stonewall, where secret police would come into clubs and bars and arrest men just because they were holding hands. We were regulated to secret places, but we could not walk the streets and be who we are. A lot of people would be very happy if we were to disappear. Then after Stonewall, people started getting upset. They marched across the countries and reminded people that we exist, we are human, and all we want is equal rights. We wanted to come out in the open and walk down the street, shopping and not to be attacked. There were so many people in the closet that couldn’t express themselves for fear of losing a job, not finding an apartment, and yes, being arrested just because of who you are. We fought for over thirty years just for they could lead their own lives. It was the pride parades that started to show people that we are human, we have feelings, we love, we pray, we go to church, we believe in families, and most of all we believe in America, and the right for every individual in the pursuit of happiness.

We thought we were getting their when celebrities, professionals, leaders, sports figures, famous movie stars, authors, writers, tv personalities started coming out of the closet that people finally started to realize that there were a lot more people who were gay. It is also because they knew these people as decent human beings, and that they were the same person as they were in the closet. There were so many people who were afraid to come out of the closet for the same fear of everyone else. Actors could not come out of the closet after having their career destroyed. Coming out gay back then was a career ending disaster, so everyone just kept their secrets in the closet, hidden from the rest of the world. That is what you people want. Another thing is that it wasn’t until people started finding out that their brother, sister, uncle, aunt, and other relatives started coming out in the closet that we were finally getting accepted as people realized that we were the same as before.

But it is the less than 20% and right-wing bullies that continue to vilify us at every chance the get, because they despise everything and anything that they do not understand or were programmed to believe by republicans and right-wingnuts. The are easy to be fooled because they do not have the God given sense to make decisions on their own.

They are the ones that are constantly putting their beliefs in our faces, not the other way around.

In 2017 I previously wrote about my 30-year struggle to live in a world as equals amongst my peers. In 2017, I thought we were finally achieving acceptance, but with the right-wing takeover of the White House, I warned everyone not to let their guard down, because they were coming after us. They have been on a crusade sine the beginning of their lives and never will they stop until everyone has disappeared. They first went after women when Roe v Wade was overturned, and look what they did there. Now their coming after us, and who will it be next, you.

Please check out my “Thirty Years Does a Man Make” at the link below.

My Little Boy (The Poem)

This poem is from the written story “Letters From Heaven

My Little Boy:
I remember those smiling eyes, great attitude, and inquisitive mind.
I remember your curiosity, passion, vision, so caring and so kind.
I often think and imagine what your life will be like today.
A young college man, a family man, an honest man in every way.

At the end of the day, it is nothing but a dream.

My Wonderful Dad:
I am sorry I had to leave you without saying goodbye.
My Heavenly Father brought me home in the sky.
I know you could not be there, do not be ashamed.
You were working for our family; you are not to blame.

I have guided you through all your trouble and sorrows.

My Little Boy:
That day you went away, I prayed with all my soul.
As the weeks turned into years, it really took a toll.
You brother is a doctor, your sister is a scholar,
Your mother took some time, but now she’s doing better.

Are you still my little boy and did you become a man.

My Wonderful Dad:
I am just like you, dad, couldn’t ask for anything more.
I think that is why I was sent up here for.
That little boy became a man, with a loving wife.
You’ll be proud of my children; they are full of life.

I see the grey around your temples, but you have plenty of time.

My Little Boy:
I can feel your spirit shining down on me every day.
It gives my life new meaning every time I pray.
I am so proud of you for watching over me.
I wish you were here for all the world can see.

I will hold these memories for when we meet again.

My Wonderful Dad:
I am sad you had to see what this world has become.
I do not think I would have survived; I am not as strong as you.
All these years I watched over you to keep you from being harmed.
To guide you through this world of evil and bring you safely home to me.

Just keep thinking of me, and I will lead you home.

My Little Boy:

Thanks for sharing your life with me. Goodbye until the next time, Your wonderful dad.

My wonderful dad,

Thank you for not shutting me out of your life, Goodbye until the next time. You little boy.