For the last six years we have seen a political shift in the United States and Europe to the far-right. In 2016, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States representing a significant shift to the far-right in American Politics. Trump’s policies were characterized by nationalism, anti-immigration, and a pro-business agenda. In 2020, he lost the election but continued to believe that the election was rigged and that he actually won. He continues to be the De facto leader of the Republican Party.
This political shift has happened in other countries in Europe. Here are some examples:
BRAZIL: In 2018, Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right politician, was elected President of Brazil. Bolsonaro has been criticized for his controversial statements on women, minorities, and the environment. Bolsonaro lost the election in 2021, but still maintains that the election was stolen and demands that he is still the rightful president.
HUNGARY: Viktor Orban, a right-wing politician, has been Prime Minister of Hungary since 2010. Orban’s government has been accused of undermining democratic institutions, and restricting press freedom.
POLAND: In 2015, the right-wing Law and Justice party won a majority in the Polish parliament. Since then, the government has pursued policies that critics say undermine democratic norms, such as curtailing the independence of the judiciary and cracking down on the media.
INDIA: India has the largest democracy in the world. Narendra Moodi, a right-wing politician, has been Prime Minister of India since 2014. Modi’s government has been criticized for its handling of religious minorities and civil liberties.
Some countries have been leaning to the political right and have made major inroads including, Israel, where Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected, and Italy’s, Giorgia Melloni’s, Brothers of Italy party has gained popularity. Right-wing nationalism has also been on the rise across Europe. This trend is often associated with ideologies such as anti-globalization and protectionism. However, it is worth noting that despite their electoral gains, most populist political parties in Europe are broadly unpopular.
Today, far-right movements in European countries is a matter of concern for many. According to CNN, voters in Europe have veered to the far right, and some countries have seen the rise of far-right governments.
Vox reports that Sweden and France are among the countries where the far-right poses a threat to liberal democracy. NPR suggest that recent wins for far-right parties in Europe could mean a shift in the region’s political landscape. Politico reports that Spain and France are set to head to the polls this year, and both election could result in right-wing coalitions that would include far-right parties. The Guardian also highlights the dangerous rise of the far-right in Europe as a familiar theme.
Overall, while there is no one-size-fit-all answer to this situation as each country has its own unique political landscape. It is clear that many European countries are grappling with the rise of the far-right movement. It is also noted that each of these countries are complex and nuanced, and not all citizens may agree on how to categorize their government’s ideology or policies.
Right-wing groups have been energized by the support of conservatives around issues like gun control and free trade agreements. Without specifying which politicians supported what, some examples of right-wing policies that have been implemented include opposition to government-provided universal healthcare and the Affordable Health Care Ac, favoring competition to Medicare from private insurance companies, and opposing Medical-for-all. The radical right in US politics leans towards extreme conservatism, white supremacist or other right-wing ideologies.
Some examples of right-wing policies in the United States include opposition to illegal immigration, support for a strong national military force, the right to individual gun ownership, cutting taxes, reducing government spending, and balancing the budget.
The rise of Donald Trump was an example of right-wing populism exploiting anti-establishment sentiment among voters.
It is difficult to determine which countries have shifted to the right due to the Trump administration, while some countries like Israel and the Philippines had more confidence in Trump, his trade politics affected many countries around the world. Additionally, some experts argue that Trump’s presidency contributed to a rise of far-right movements in various countries, including Germany.
According to various sources, Trump policies had an impact on the rise of far-right movements in the United States and Europe. Some experts argue that Trump’s presidency contributed to mainstreaming far-right politics in the US and Beyond.
The rise of Donald Trump has also weakened the dominance of the “American exceptionalism” paradigm in analysis of US politics, but the pivot to far-right politics is not unique to America. CNN reports that some European far-right parties have been inspired by Trump’s rhetoric and policies. A paper published by suggests that there is a relationship between Trumpism and European far-right parties. However, it is important to note that political shifts in different countries are influenced by a variety of factors beyond just one US administration such as immigration, economic inequality, and cultural identity playing a role in the rise of far-right movements in Europe. Therefore, while it is difficult to determine the exact impact of Trump’s policies on far-right movements in Europe, his presidency may have contributed to their rise.
Religion has been used by political groups across the ideological spectrum to advance their agendas, including those on the right. In some cases, right-wing politicians or parties have aligned themselves with religious groups or appealed to religious voters in order to gain support.
For example, in the United States, many conservative politicians and voters identify as Christian and may seek to promote Christian values and beliefs through their policies. Similarly, in countries such as India and Israel, religious identity and issued are often intertwined with politics and play a significant role in shaping policy decisions.
It is worth noting that the political landscape is each of these countries is complex and nuanced, and not all citizens may agree on how to categorize their government’s ideology or policies. However, it is important to note that not all right-wing politicians or parties use religion as a means to achieve their goals, and not all religious groups align with right-wing politics. the relationship between religion and politics can vary widely depending on cultural and historical factors, and political actors may utilize a range of strategies to build support for their position.