We Can Learn to Hate: Retribution is at Hand

I strive to maintain a comprehensive perspective on the events that have unfolded in my life. This approach allows me to think more clearly and consider different points of view, even when they directly oppose my own. Surprisingly, I have often found similarities amidst divergent opinions. I believe I possess a good heart, soul, and mind, characterized by a fascinating blend of qualities. However, even the most virtuous individuals have a breaking point where they must stand up and fight for their convictions.

Now is the time to confront reality. I once believed that no one could harbor as much hatred as you do. I held on to the hope that there was some underlying sense of understanding, acknowledgement, empathy, civility, and acceptance within you. Unfortunately, I was blinded by the notion that you were genuinely a good person and that your actions were mere political posturing. But do we truly pose such a significant threat to you that you resort to violence against those you fail to comprehend?

When you initially began shouting words, I attempted to help you, only to be met with deaf ears. I continued to offer assistance when you directed your shouts towards those who embrace acceptance. As you emerged onto the streets, employing intimidation tactics, I maintained hope. However, it was when you initiated campaigns of aggression against businesses and personally attacked me that I realized you would never change.

Your heart is consumed by hatred, and your sense of compassion has been clouded. The tipping point for me was the outbreak of physical violence. I decided enough was enough. I concluded that you are incapable of harboring any semblance of affection for others, and I pity you. Feeling unsafe as you unleashed physical violence upon us, I refuse to allow anyone to infringe upon my rights through threats, and I will not idly witness such transgressions.

I sincerely hope that one day the tables turn against you. I will find satisfaction in watching as you endure physical, mental, and financial torment, as well as discrimination that makes your life unbearable. It seems you deserve such consequences. I used to believe that everyone possessed at least one redeeming quality, but you have proven me and society wrong.

You are the one who should face the consequences, dangling from a tree, your body left to decompose, serving as a warning to all. You should be the one subjected to such severe beatings that your visage becomes unrecognizable, tied up on a desolate fence. You should be abandoned on the streets, forced to beg for mercy. I wish someone would come and pummel you senseless because it brings me joy. You should live a life in which your name is never spoken, as if you never existed.

And when you depart from this world, your name will fade into oblivion, erased from the collective memory. Life will move on without you, for your existence was devoid of meaning. You will be forgotten by history, not even worthy of a footnote.

While I may not initiate conflicts, I certainly know how to bring them to a decisive end.

Therefore, do not judge me based on your perceptions, but rather evaluate me for the content of my character and my actions.


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